- A Personal Trainer’s job is to accompany you back to physical fitness. As your Financial Coach, Sort My Money is passionate about getting you back to financial fitness – by helping you take control of your money.
- The first step is to contact us today for a consultation. Tell us about your circumstances and what you would like to achieve, and we will let you know whether we can help you.
- For an affordable weekly fee, Sort My Money draws up and manages your optimised personal budget for you on a daily basis. Your personal budget includes provision for savings, to ensure your life doesn’t break down just because your car does. This allows you to plan for the kind of treats that you’re missing out on now, that make life worth living . . . a meal at a nice restaurant, a well earned holiday, a beautiful new car.
- As the holder of an Australian Credit Licence, granted by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission, Sort My Money is also authorised to renegotiate your existing debt repayments with those you owe money to (your creditors) if you are suffering financial distress. This gives you peace of mind, saves you money and helps put your finances on a sound footing.
- With Sort My Money, you will be assigned a qualified Financial Services Professional with years of experience – getting people’s finances on track is what we do.
- Working as a team, we can turn your personal plan into reality – by paying down debt, accumulating savings and preparing for a bright future.
- Call Sort My Money today and, together, we will create a successful tomorrow.