Money Machine

Henry FordI recently watched a documentary about the fascinating life of Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company and the inventor of modern mass production.

Little more than a century ago, Americans lead relatively primitive lives – having to spend much of their time and energy just getting from A to B by horse and cart. Henry Ford changed all that by making it possible for many of them to purchase their first car, in the form of the Model T Ford.

This was the vehicle which, in effect, liberated Americans and enabled them to fulfil their true potential, as a result of which, the American century was born.

The same principles apply to our finances. If they’re taking up our time and energy, it’s a sure sign that there is a better way to do things.

By systemising our money and living by a budget, we can quickly enjoy the benefits of financial automation.

Any reliable engine is so regular and predictable that it is boring, and that’s how we need to run our finances – particularly our day-to-day living expenses – by spending the same amount on these items (food, drink and petrol) week in and week out.

Once our money is predictable to the point of being boring, that’s when the magic start’s to happen; when we, too, are free to become all that we can be; when our well-oiled financial machine starts to take us places that were previously beyond our reach.

How does that sound to you? Do you think you’re up to the job?

In the inimitable words of Henry Ford, “If you think you can do a thing, or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”

David Rankin is an author, public speaker and founder of the personal budgeting service Sort My Money. This article does not offer personal financial advice.