Today, thousands of families around Australia are receiving their very last instalment of the Schoolkids’ Bonus.
These twice-yearly payments of $215 for each child in primary school and $428 for each child in secondary school are being phased out as a result of a pre-election decision by both sides of politics.
It can be hard for families to adjust when payments cease.
As when fortnightly Parenting Payments come to an end with the youngest child in the family turning six. Or when a child becomes too old for you to receive Family Tax Benefit.
It’s easy to become so dependent on these payments that they almost get forgotten about. Once the payments stop, it feels like the financial rug has been pulled out from under your feet.
Sort My Money’s award-winning personal budgeting service helps you to plan for all such eventualities and map out a financially sustainable future. By knowing what lies ahead (we show you the next 5 years), financial surprises quickly become a thing of the past.
Contact us today and allow us to lift the financial weight from your shoulders.