David gives us his thoughts on hoarding bank accounts and why simple, streamlined accounts work better. In addition, a separate ‘living expenses’ account allows you to see– at a glance – how much you have to spend for the rest of the week. Find out what your main transaction account should be used for and why you need it. Check out this podcast to learn more.
Increase Your Credit Score
Misconceptions about credit scores are common, and bad choices can contribute to its decrease. Increase your credit score with these tips provided by David Rankin, one of Australia’s top financial coaches. If you are trying to fix your credit score, we recommend consulting with a professional budgeting coach and receiving a run-through of your best options. Click here to learn more about how to improve your credit card rating from David’s podcast on Performance.
A-Z Budget Planning Podcast Series – Episode 13: Y-Z
Welcome to Sort My Money Podcast where you’ll learn tried-and-tested systems and techniques like budget planning. These techniques are unsurpassed in Australia to give you peace of mind and help you take control of your finances. Want to learn how to create successful money habits and budget planning so you can finally get your finances on track and turbo charge your financial journey? Let’s find out how with Financial Coach David Rankin. Today’s topic: A-Z Budget Planning Podcast Series: Y-Z
A-Z Budget Planning Podcast Series – Episode 12: W-X
Welcome to Sort My Money Podcast where you’ll learn tried-and-tested systems and techniques like budget planning. Thase are unsurpassed in Australia to give you peace of mind and help you take control of your finances. Want to learn how to create successful money habits and budget planning so you can finally get your finances on track and turbo charge your financial journey? Let’s find out how with Financial Coach David Rankin. Today’s topic: A-Z Budget Planning Podcast Series: W-X
A-Z Budget Planning Podcast Series – Episode 11: U-V
Welcome to Sort My Money Podcast where you’ll learn tried-and-tested systems and techniques like budget planning. These are unsurpassed in Australia to give you peace of mind and help you take control of your finances. Want to learn how to create successful money habits and budget planning so you can finally get your finances on track and turbo charge your financial journey? Let’s find out how with Financial Coach David Rankin. Today’s topic: A-Z Budget Planning Podcast Series: U-V
A-Z Budget Planning Podcast Series – Episode 10: S-T
Welcome to Sort My Money Podcast where you’ll learn tried-and-tested systems and techniques like budget planning. These are unsurpassed in Australia to give you peace of mind and help you take control of your finances. Want to learn how to create successful money habits and budget planning so you can finally get your finances on track and turbo charge your financial journey? Let’s find out how with Financial Coach David Rankin. Today’s topic: A-Z Budget Planning Podcast Series: S-T